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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Lose Fat Fast and Easily - Is Protein the Wonder Nutrient For Weight Loss?

If you are like most of us, you are right now struggling to lose fat fast and sometimes may be on the verge of giving up your struggle as you have not been able to lose excess body fat up to now, no matter what you have been doing. You may be feeling low in self confidence due to the excess weight you have put on, you even may be shying away from social events because you're overweight. You may be feeling sick and tired of your plight and desperately seeking means and measures to get rid of the ugly fat wrapped around your body.

Most of us are in such a hurry to get results; we get disheartened when we do not see instant results from the products or programs we use. This is due to the notion of instant gratification in today's fast paced world. We want instant results in what ever endeavor we undertake in life; be it weight loss or any other thing.

If you are to see any result in your weight loss endeavor; the first thing you must do is to get rid of this instant gratification mentality. You have to give sufficient time to what ever product or program you choose in order to get the desired results.

While following a selected weight loss program is very helpful in losing excess body fat fast, changes in your diet too can have a tremendous effect on your goal. As per new scientific research, taking more protein based food is very effective and will definitely aid and abet your fat loss goals.

Protein boosts your sensitivity to a hormone called Leptin and this hormone send a signal to your brain, which in turn gives you the feeling of being full. Your calorie intake reduces as a result

A recent study had shown that people who increased their protein intake, lost fat and also gained muscle at the same time. A double advantage than the people who consumed less protein.

Experts recommend 50 grams of protein a day. Most Americans take far below this level per day. Obesity is highest in the USA which is approximately 250 million people, amounting to 325,000 annual deaths. Worldwide obesity figure comes to around 750 million people.

The best source of protein is eggs and lean meat. If you're not getting enough protein from your diet taking a protein powder will help cover the deficiency.

For More Related Topics Blog: Quick And Easy Ways To Lose Weight

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